SECOND LIFE GREATER LIFE is a project of kindness, turning waste into treasures. Through the eyes of 5 artists and the showcase of their unique works, this collaboration is aimed to create awareness for a greener and better life based on the Chinese proveb: 衣(wear),食(eat),住(live),行(travel) - which covers the day-to-day fundamentals of living. And the addition of kindness to the cycle of life, represented by the 心(core), is the final piece to the puzzle.
《重修舊好》是一個由善而發的平台,希望把垃圾翻轉成另一新的生命來延續生命。裡面有5位聯手合作的朋友們Alan, Cynthea, Noreen, Tako和 Waee Waee透过他们的作品和分享会推廣怎么在日常生活善用资源,減少浪費。从衣,食,住,行,还有常常被忽略的—“心”的角度全方位的看待环保。
Date : 23/2/2019 - 24/3/2019 Location: 草根書室 (Grassroots Book Room) Singapore Exhibition & Talk
Exhibit works