22nd October - 7th November 2012
Harris Bookstore Jusco Tebrau Johor Bahru Malaysia.
I made these framed doll portraits base on a group of people who lives in Johor Bahru, and who really loves their hometown and decided to stay. I've interviewed each of them and made them into dolls.
Johor Bahru (JB), which is also my hometown, where I was born and raised, next to Singapore, the southern part of Malaysia.
This place are known for its name like the:"desert of culture" or the "crime city".
Many people is either moved or going to work in Singapore for better future. But from all the people I know, I know there are a bunch of people who still have hope and didn't give up on JB.
So from this project, I am hoping to bring out a message to Johorian, we can be anything we want here, there are still a lot of people choose to stay and make wonders. And these are the Johorian, let's meet them.
我把一些在新山默默做著自己喜歡的事, 努力經營著自己夢想的新山人, 都做成了娃娃,放進相框,辦個小展覽。 這個展覽的目的是想要傳達給新山人知道, 被評為文化沙漠的新山, 其實還是有一些人, 在默默的做著一些事, 也希望可以借此喚醒一些有抱負有理想的新山人, 不要放棄自己的理想, 也不要放棄新山,讓新山可以因為這些人而變得更好, 想要告訴大家: "新山,我們也要很好"這樣的訊息。